Today's post is a test, and the results will give us a better idea of Google's crawl rate and what they like to see.
For the longest time, Google has kept the inner workings of their search engine a secret. As a result, website designers have struggled to understand exactly what it takes to get Google to rank their work higher on the list. This is a small example of the research that we put into understanding what Google is doing to make your searches more accurate and reliable.
What I have done is placed a link back to our website in the title of this post. Google will read the words Orlando Website Design, and then associate them with our website. Google will then assume that people who type in the words Orlando Website and Design should see our website. Sounds easy enough right?
Here's the truth. No one outside of Google knows exactly how effective this method is over another. We make educated guesses based on the research we do. Maybe in a month, I'll post the results and see how we did. If you are interested in learning more about Search Engines and what it takes to get your website a little higher on the list, just give us a call. 407-284-1192. You can also email me at [email protected]
Thanks again for stopping by!
Dave Nevill
Hughes I.T. Solutions Inc.
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